Savanna Market Dental

Extractions & Preservation

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Dental Extractions & Preservation in Calgary NE

When it comes to oral health you want to have a comfortable mouth. Sometimes your wisdom teeth come in abnormally or overcrowding of your other teeth can cause pain and infections. This may mean it is time for your teeth to come out. Modern technology and sedation methods have improved dramatically making extractions more safe and less invasive than ever before. An extraction is usually the last option because if a root canal can be performed it can save much of your natural tooth structure and avoid a more costly solution to replace an entire tooth. 

Extractions & Preservation to Keep You Healthy

A root canal may be the only way to preserve what is left of your natural tooth however sometimes the only solution is to extract the entire tooth. Your whole mouth structure will look and feel better after dental surgery which helps with more than what you may think.

  • Maintains healthy bone
  • Preserves the natural tooth as much as possible
  • Easier to eat and speak
  • Takes away pain
  • Stops the spread of infection
  • Eliminates bacteria
  • Allows you to have a fully functioning mouth
  • Prevents further dental complications

Extraction & Preservation Treatments at a Dentist in NE Calgary

To preserve your bone structure and prevent further sagging after a tooth extraction, preservation is key. Loss of bone can occur as your facial structure adjusts to missing or rotting teeth. Optional treatments help in preserving the appearance and function of your jaw. 

Your situation will determine whether an extraction or preservation method will provide the desired outcome:

Extractions: Eliminating bad bacteria due to a severely decayed tooth or removing a tooth due to overcrowding are common reasons for a tooth extraction. Your dentist will offer tooth replacement options that may include an implant, bridge, or partial denture. Only you will know the difference. Get rid of the toothache and get back to your pain-free daily life. 

Root Canals: Preserving your natural tooth is sometimes an option and this is where root canals come into play. The infected pulp inside your tooth is removed then the canal is cleaned and disinfected. Depending on your unique situation, a filling is put in place, or a dental crown may be used to complete the procedure.

Oral Surgery: Minor dental surgery can repair problems with your gums and bone. Oral surgery includes treatments like general tooth extractions, implants, and dental arch restoration to help you maintain a fully functioning mouth.

Bone Grafting: Your teeth need healthy surrounding bone to function and remain stable. When your bone begins to deteriorate it loses the ability to support your teeth.  Bone grafting can help strengthen your dental arch by placing synthetic material where you have bone loss. This helps to support your teeth and aids in establishing new bone growth.

Wisdom Teeth Extractions: Wisdom teeth are notably unpredictable. It is important for your dentist to monitor their growth. Warning signs such as experiencing pain or if they are growing lopsided might indicate the need for their extraction.

Benefit from Extraction & Preservation

At Savanna Market Dental, we want your dental experience to alleviate pain and help you avoid further dental complications. Extractions and preservation of your teeth help keep the connected bone healthy and maintain the natural structure of your face. Our ongoing concern includes follow-up appointments to ensure your oral health is in good shape. The benefits of these treatments include avoiding further dental complications.

Frequently Asked Questions
How do I know if I need to get my dentist to extract my tooth?

Do you have a severely infected tooth? Are your teeth crowding together with little to no space? Maybe you have a damaged tooth or gum disease. These are all reasons you may need to have a tooth extracted. Your dentist will assess your situation and provide the recommended treatment options.

How is a tooth extracted at the dentist?

Your dentist will administer a numbing anesthetic so that you won’t feel any pain in the area being worked on. Special dental tools are used to loosen and remove the entire tooth including the root.

What can I expect after my tooth has been extracted?

After a tooth extraction, you may require stitches to close the open wound, but this will depend on the individual tooth being removed. A piece of gauze will be placed on the site to help stop it from bleeding. The gauze needs to stay in place for about four hours and might need to be changed out after this time if the bleeding has not ceased. Your dentist will provide follow-up care to aid in the healing process which may include doing things like applying a cold compress to the outside of your mouth in the area where your tooth was removed. Avoiding strenuous activities for 48 hours and eating a diet of soft or liquid meals helps in the healing process which typically takes a few weeks. It is crucial to avoid sucking on straws or inhaling tobacco products in the first couple of days to avoid dislodging the blood clot.

Will I be in pain after a tooth extraction?

You may experience discomfort in the first few days but will likely be given a prescription medication to help manage any pain. If you have major concerns about the after-effects, then it is important to get in touch with your dentist right away.

What are some of the side effects of an extracted tooth?
  • A few hours of the site bleeding
  • Discomfort
  • Swelling at the extraction site  
What are some red flags to watch out for after a tooth extraction?
  • Bleeding of the site for more than 12 hours
  • Chills or a fever
  • Coughing
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Pain in your chest and shortness of breath